The authors must register and provide all necessary information in English.
If the work has 2 or 3 authors, one of the authors must be appointed as the speaker. After registration, a link to download ZIP archive with the work will be sent to the speaker’s email address specified in the registration form.
Unrelated documents (copies of other published articles, patents, etc.) are not accepted.
The Competition is held in the following fields:
– Food science and technologies;
– Economics and administration;
– Information technologies, automation and robotics;
– Power engineering and energy efficiency;
– Ecology and environmental protection;
– Tourism, hotel and restaurant business.
Works in other fields are not accepted
Participant requirements:
– The students of any school or higher educational institution can participate in the competition, if they are enrolled in a junior specialist, junior bachelor, bachelor, master, or post-graduate course when the second stage of the competition is held;
– Works can be evaluated according to various nominations, particularly, according to the level of professional experience of the participants, the degree of education, etc.;
– There can be no more than three authors and two supervisors per work;
– The members of the organizing committee and the members of the jury cannot be the scientific supervisors for the works submitted for the competition;
– Participation in the competition is free of charge.
Work requirements:
– The work must be in English.
– Its length must be up to 15 pages (page size is A4, margins are 20 mm each).
– Addendums (if there is any) are included in the total number of pages. Unrelated documents (copies of other published articles, patents, etc.) are not allowed in the addendums.
– The text must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 14, with the 1.0 line spacing. The text in tables and list of references must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12, with the 1.0 line spacing. Work title must be typed in bold capital letters. Titles of sections and subsections must be typed in bold with a single interval.
– It is forbidden to use literature published by russia or belarus.
– The work must follow the template.
If the work does not meet the requirements of this section, the author is given five days for further editing. If the work does not meet the requirements after editing, it is not accepted and is not allowed to participate in the competition.
The winners of Stage I of the competition receive invitations to participate in Stage II of the competition (no later than two weeks prior). Stage II of the competition takes form of an online conference, where the winners present their work, comment on the presentation, and answer the questions.
Presentation requirements:
– The speaker is the author or one of the co-authors of the submitted work. Scientific supervisors or outsiders are not allowed to present the work.
– Each speaker must present a document certifying their identity (such as student ID).
– Participants who cannot attend the conference for technical reasons must send a video recording of their presentation to the Jury in advance. Videos that do not have participant identification (namely, a student ID or other type of identification document) will not be accepted.
– Presentation should take no longer than 15 minutes.
– Presentation must be in English; it must have illustrative material (drawings, diagrams, photographs, graphic images, etc.)